Do you know that eating 2 eggs per day or 6 eggs per week can increase your HDL level by up to 10%?
Eggs are one of the most consumed foods in the world. They contain high-quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The whites are rich in selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12, minerals such as zinc, iron and copper and antioxidants such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin.
They help increase Good Cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and various health problems.
The Different Types of Eggs
Chicken eggs
•Commonly used egg
•Its shell color is determined by the breed of the hen
Quail egg
•Much smaller than chicken eggs
•Has speckled shell with colors ranging from dark brown to white
•Often hard boiled and served as a food garnish or appetizer
Duck eggs
•Slightly larger that chicken egg
•Its egg white is more transparent and less yellow in color
•Has more flavor than chicken eggs but contains higher fat
•Best for dessert recipes
Goose eggs
•Larger and more flavorful than chicken and duck eggs
•Extremely high in fat and cholesterol content
•Best for dessert recipes
Turkey Eggs
•Flavor is similar to chicken eggs, but larger in size
•Color ranges from white to cream with brown speckles
•Very high in cholesterol
•Barely seen in the market because most of the eggs are used to hatch more turkeys
Ostrich eggs
•One ostrich egg is 20-24 large chicken eggs
•It’s mainly sold for novelty value

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