Paleo Shrimp Stir-Fry

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Live Longer And Lose Weight With
VIP Access To The World’s Most Delicious, Nutritious Paleo Recipes!
(The ONLY Paleo Recipe Library Endorsed By
Weight-Loss Specialist Dr. Eric Wood, ND)

Dear fellow food lover,
Have you ever dreamed of being able to eat delicious food all day long that tastes DIVINE and satisfies ALL of your most CARNAL cravings…
…WITHOUT making you pack on the pounds??
Well, would you believe it – finally there is a way to make this dream your reality!
And, EVEN BETTER, not only is eating this mouth-watering food all day not going to make you get fat…
It can actually help you to LOSE weight
…How awesome is that??
If you’re scratching your head right now and wondering how on Earth this can be possible…
Then let me tell you right now that this is 100% backed up by hardcore dietary SCIENCE…
And it all starts with a revolutionary (but actually very old) way of looking at the way we eat and live, called…

Now, you’ve probably heard the word ‘Paleo’ being thrown around a lot lately…
Or at the very least, you would have heard about the ‘caveman diet’ or ‘eating clean’…
But in case you don’t already have the full picture, here’s a quick rundown of exactly what eating ‘paleo’ means…
(…And why it is so darn good for you in every way)…
To put it simply, the Paleo (or Paleolithic) diet is based on the diet of our cave-dwelling ancestors…
A time where there were no supermarkets, dairies, restaurants, or processing plants…
A time when to eat and thrive, you had to live on what the land provided… A time where hunting and foraging for food were essential skills for survival…
OK, OK... So if we don't have to HUNT for our food any more, then why the heck should we be following the diet of cave people??

That’s a great question, and here’s the really great answer…
Paleontologists have recently discovered that despite eating HUGE amounts of fat and meat… (and relatively few ‘healthy’ foods like fruits and vegetables)…
…Our early ancestors were almost stunningly lean, healthy, and almost completely FREE of all the body-fat based diseases we suffer from today…
And when they weren’t dying from saber tooth tiger attacks or clubbing each other with rocks, they actually lived longer, healthier lives than we do today…
...But MOST of all.., they were lean for LIFE... without even TRYING...
How Is The Paleo Diet So Effective For Weight Loss & Staying Lean?

Well, the reason our cave-dwelling ancestors were so lean sure wasn’t because they counted their calories or hopped on the Stairmaster, that’s for sure…
And it definitely wasn’t because they ate piles of boring salads, either (in fact, they ate almost NONE of that stuff…)
Instead, it all comes down to one SIMPLE and BREATHTAKINGLY POWERFUL reason…

Our Paleolithic Ancestors ate foods that triggered their hormones and biology to quickly burn body fat… and we do not.
See, the little-known truth is, your body is genetically hardwired to eat a certain way…
And when you don’t eat the right way for your genetic wiring, you are actually FIGHTING your body and ‘programming’ your hormones to STORE fat, instead of BURNING it…
Which makes it almost impossible to lose weight and MAINTAIN a healthy weight, even when you are eating a supposedly ‘healthy’ modern diet…
Yet, when you eat the Paleo fat-burning foods that Nature designed us to eat (and I DON’T just mean vegetables!)…
You tap into an incredible genetic loophole (one that's 100% backed up by rock-solid SCIENCE), that has these amazing effects
for your body...
- Triggers your natural fat-burning hormones to BURN fat instead of storing it…
- Speeds your metabolism up to hyper-speed, so you can burn fat around the clock (in the exact way humans were DESIGNED to)…
- Reduces your risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Premature Aging…
- Allows you lose as much weight as you want… AND keep it off long-term!
… What’s not to LOVE?
5 Ways Modern Diets Are Killing Us...
(And how Paleo can quickly REVERSE these damaging effects!)

The Paleo Way:
Paleo is all about cooking and preparing meals made from raw, natural, organic, free-range and unprocessed foods…
So that you end up with NONE of the harmful toxins contained in the modern diet…
Meaning you can rest assured you get NONE of these nasty side effects… just ALL of the goodness natural, wholesome food can provide!
Read any of the labels of packaged food at your local supermarket and you will find that even the simplest of products contain a whole list of strange-sounding chemicals and additives on the ingredients list that you don’t even recognize…
See, the thing is, our food is evolving much faster than we are (it’s scary – we know!)
And the result? Because your body was never DESIGNED to process these chemicals, it gets hit with a build-up of preservatives, additives, chemicals, and a whole host of other toxins that wreak havoc on your health!
The Paleo Way:
The ONLY forms of sugars that are ever included as part of paleo recipes are natural, unrefined sugars such as raw honey or natural fruit juices…
(Allowing paleo lovers with a sweet tooth to still have some healthy yummy treats and desserts)…
But even then, these natural sugars usually only make up a TINY component of paleo meals… while still tasting great!
So because you’re only using fresh, natural ingredients, you won’t be tricked into consuming ANY added sugar…
Instead, you get to eat delicious, wholesome foods that actually SUPPORT weight loss!

Here’s the shocking truth…
For years, companies have been bulking up their processed food products with SUGAR as it is cheap to produce…
But here’s what’s even more SINISTER:
Often, excess sugar is DELIBERATELY added to a food product to make people literally ADDICTED to it…
See, you may not know this, but recent scientific studies have finally PROVEN that sugar is actually MORE ADDICTIVE than COCAINE (I’m not kidding)…
So when eating a lot of processed foods, people can easily consume 5, 10, or even TWENTY times their recommended dietary intake of sugar in a day…
Which can quickly lead to massive health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and ultimately, an early death (…Sorry to be morbid here, but you NEED to know the facts!)

That’s right… You’ve been told some WHOPPING lies lately… about FAT.
See, for years now you’ve probably been tricked into believing that fat is the enemy when it comes to obesity and disease…
But here’s the REAL truth:
Fat is NOT the enemy at all. In fact, your body NEEDS fat for fuel, cell repair, and to feel full and satisfied after a meal…
And even more importantly, the right kind of fats can actually help to INCREASE fat burning (we have the hard science to prove this)!
Not all FATS are good for you (in fact, many processed fats are terrible for your health), but when it comes to NATURAL, unprocessed fats, they are in NO WAY the enemy they have been made out to be…
So, why the war on fat?
The Paleo Way:
This is just another reason why the Paleo diet is better for you than ANY other diet on the planet…
Paleo actually EMBRACES healthy, unprocessed fats, which mean that paleo meals keep you fuller for longer and give your body the essential nutrients and energy it needs…
Which is why you NEVER get cravings between meals when following the paleo diet!
PLUS, because your body is actually DESIGNED to easily and effortlessly break down and burn these natural fats for fuel, they never get converted into that unsightly belly fab…
So you can stay lean, healthy and satisfied for life!
Here’s the thing: For years now scientists have had PROVEN scientific research that the REASON we get fat is not by eating FAT, but by eating refined carbs and SUGAR…
Which drive up drive up blood sugar and insulin levels, place massive stress on the pancreas, and lead to fat getting STORED in your body, rather than burned as fuel.
And, there’s one big glaring REASON why all of this research has only just become public knowledge…

And that reason is: MONEY. See, food production companies have been tricking you into believing that FAT is the enemy, while selling you sugar-laden, processed alternatives (that are the REAL enemy)!
E.g. this ‘fat-free’ (high-sugar) yogurt here…
See, if this had come out 50 years ago, companies producing sugary, carb-laden foods wouldn’t have survived up until this day!
Unfortunately, so many of us have been victims of this destructive marketing ploy… but now by going paleo, you will make a difference in stopping this sugar phenomenon!
The Paleo Way:
The great news is, with paleo, you are ensuring that you are giving your body the EXACT foods that will help to maintain your optimal hormone levels…
Meaning that you that you can stay much more youthful and healthy as you age than a lot of your peers…
Fair warning: The Paleo diet may make you feel (and act) 10 years younger! :-)

If you want to significantly slow down aging, the first thing you need to do is ditch the modern diet!
Why? Because when you feed your body a diet of unhealthy, empty, processed foods…
All the harmful toxins, free radicals and excess fat in your body throw your HORMONES out of balance, which are critical to the anti-aging process!
See, your hormones are your body’s most important messengers - they are in charge of sending messages to your cells to keep your body functional and healthy…
(Such as burning fat for fuel, maintaining a healthy blood sugar level, and promoting cell repair and growth)…
And when they are out of balance, your body is not as able to heal, flush out waste and rejuvenate…
Meaning the unfortunate result is that you start to age MUCH faster!
The Paleo Way:
Once you are feeding your body the foods it needs for optimum performance and health, it may come as quite a shock just how much better you feel…
Yes, that’s right…
Prepare for your concentration, your energy, your motivation, your mood, and even your sex drive to be given a HUGE boost!

It’s no wonder those who switch to the paleo diet report experiencing DRAMATIC increases in energy…
Because when your body is pumped full of sugar and toxic chemicals, this literally kills your energy, mood and lease on life…
Why? Because your body (ESPECIALLY your liver and pancreas) is so busy trying to get rid of toxins and keep your blood sugar down, it has no energy left for YOU!
Thought Paleo was a 'DIET'? Think again!

You may have already heard a bit about the ‘paleo diet’, the ‘caveman diet’, or ‘eating clean’… but what I’m here to tell you is that paleo is not actually a ‘DIET’!!
OK, yes, it DOES help you to lose weight just like a diet (in fact, it helps you to lose weight A LOT more effectively than most restriction diets)…
And there’s a reason why Paleo works like no other ‘diet plan’… and it’s simply because Paleo works WITH your body…
It gives your body everything it needs and nothing it doesn’t…
So with Paleo, you can forget counting calories, weighing your food, eating ‘rabbit food’… Paleo is about NONE of that stuff.
See, Paleo is not a ‘DIET’… Paleo is a LIFESTYLE.

Paleo is all about eating what your body needs to be HEALTHY… Not what your body needs to ‘LOSE WEIGHT’…
Which means that you can eat delicious, filling meals that have been maximized for taste, flavor and enjoyment, and NEVER have to worry about your waistline…
How is this possible? Because by feeding your body the exact foods and nutrients it NEEDS, you don’t have to worry about losing weight because your weight will literally TAKE CARE OF ITSELF…
In fact, your OWN BODY will fight to get back to its ideal weight and shape (hint: this is all to do with your HORMONES getting back in balance)…
And the best thing is? You will never go hungry, and will never feel unsatisfied…
While getting the leanest, most amazing body of your life!
OK, OK, so you’ve read all the benefits of paleo, and you know how good it is for you and your body in every way…
So let me ask you…
Do you want EXCLUSIVE premium access to the world's best VIP paleo recipe vault...
Where cooking delicious paleo recipes is not only ridiculously EASY, but FUN too?

It’s finally here!
We here at Yum Paleo have designed a way that YOU can get EXCLUSIVE access to all of the best paleo recipes on the internet…
PLUS instant access to special tips and fat-loss interviews with paleo and weight-loss experts… (AND exclusive meal plans and shopping lists)…
All by becoming a VIP member at Yum Paleo, where new and exclusive paleo recipes are added weekly…
And where you can get access to exclusive paleo recipes and tools that no one else gets!
Here’s What You’ll Get With Your VIP Membership
To Yum Paleo…
Exclusive VIP Access To 100+ Delicious Paleo Recipes (...PLUS New Recipes Added Weekly!)

With your Yum Paleo VIP membership, you get exclusive VIP member’s-only-access to our premium paleo recipe library…
Where our VIP recipes are optimized not just for maximum taste and variety, but also for your fat loss and health.
Unlike our ‘Free’ paleo recipes, these premium VIP recipes can ONLY be accessed by VIP members…
PLUS, you get VIP-only access to special weight-loss tips, Paleo meal plans, interviews with experts, and MUCH more…
Each Of Our Paleo Recipes Comes With Its Very Own How-To Cooking Video, So We Will Be Cooking Right Along With You!

At Yum Paleo, each of our VIP recipes comes with its very own step by step how-to cooking video, showing one of our staff members cooking each meal from scratch right along with you…
So you get each of our premium recipes not ONLY in text version, but ALSO in full-HD video version…
Meaning that if you’re in the mood for a private cooking lesson, you can simply prop up your laptop, tablet, or phone right there in the kitchen…
And just follow along as our friendly staff walk you through exactly how to create amazing paleo meals from scratch!
(This has never been seen before on ANY Paleo site!)
PLUS, by watching these videos, you can rest assured that each and every one of our divine recipes has actually been tried, tested and refined by us…
Meaning when you cook our recipes, they will actually come out looking like the photo…
(Unlike so many other recipe sites who don’t even try cooking the dish themselves!)
Choose from 14 Different Paleo Recipe Categories, So You Will Never Have A
Dull Meal!

- Breakfast
- Snacks
- Soups
- Salads
- Seafood
- Poultry
- Beef
- Pork
- Lamb
- Sides
- Dessert
- Smoothies
- Baking
- Condiments
No matter what you’re craving… We’ve got you covered!
Clear Step-By-Step Methods To Creating Each Paleo Meal, So You Can Become An Expert Paleo Chef In No Time!
Whether you consider yourself a ‘chef’ or an ‘amateur’ in the kitchen, you will find that our paleo recipes are totally easy and achievable for all…
Each recipe has the ingredients and cooking instructions all clearly laid out for you (no matter which metric system you use)…
Plus realistic prep and cook times added for your convenience…
So you can pick our recipes not just for taste and nutrition, but for ease and time-saving too!
We Have Even Created Paleo Versions Of All Your Favorite 'Cheat' Foods, So You Never Have To Feel Guilty!

Nope, I’m not having you on…
In your Yum Paleo recipe index, you will find ALL of these to-die-for Paleo ‘cheat foods’ and MORE…
- Paleo burgers
- Paleo bread
- Paleo brownies
- Paleo pizza
- Paleo roasts
- Paleo noodles
- Paleo muffins
- Paleo sushi
- Paleo ice-cream
- Paleo cookies
- Paleo fish 'n' chips
- Paleo dips
- Paleo pasta
- Paleo pancakes
- Paleo cake

In all of these indulgent recipes, we have taken out all the ‘garbage foods’ that are toxic to your system and swapped them out with Paleo goodness… WITHOUT taking away from the taste.
You will never look back!
Yes, you can still have DESSERT!

If you are someone who has a massive sweet tooth and can’t bear the thought of cutting out the sweet treats and desserts you love…
Then don’t worry, because with Paleo you can still have a huge variety of deliciously sweet desserts and snacks…
That will not only completely satisfy your sugar cravings, they will also be WELCOMED by your body.
Why? Because any sugar used in our Paleo desserts is 100% NATURAL sugar that your body is actually DESIGNED to eat and digest…
Meaning you get the great taste, but don’t get the nasty blood-sugar spike that refined carbs and sweets like non-Paleo muffins, cakes, lollies and chocolate give you…
Plus, unlike being ‘empty calories’, these natural sugars actually come with healthy things like FIBRE, VITAMINS and MINERALS…
So when you replace these unhealthy desserts with OUR Paleo desserts, you will still get to enjoy your after-dinner treat, but will also reduce your risk of diabetes, fatigue and weight gain…
And never have to feel guilty about it!
Plus, we make it super-easy to make all of these sweet treats, so you never have to feel lost or out of your depth when it comes to creating them…
In fact, a lot of our desserts can be made in under 15 minutes!

Our Delicious Paleo Recipes Contain NONE Of These 'Nasties', So You Can Rest Assured That Your Digestive System Will Be Functioning At 100%, 24/7...

… Nope, you won’t find any of that stuff in our recipes… Just the amazingly healthy and yummy foods nature designed us to eat!
Feed Your Body The Meaty, Leafy Goodness It Truly CRAVES, And Say Goodbye To Sugar Cravings Forever!

Forget the sugar crashes, moodiness, energy drops, and ‘hangriness’ that comes on after refined carbs cause a sugar spike in your bloodstream…
When you start living the Yum paleo way, you will be AMAZED at your MASSIVE increase in energy, motivation, concentration, vitality, and lust for life…
…All because our paleo recipes simply satisfy your body in a way that no other diet can!
This is NOT just another Paleo cookbook where the recipes come out looking NOTHING like the picture...

This is VIP access to a 100% tried and tested EXCLUSIVE Paleo recipe vault...
Where you get exclusive access to a whole LIBRARY of paleo recipes, not ONLY in text version, but ALSO in full-HD video version…
So you can follow along with our friendly in-house cooks as they show you how to make delicious Paleo meals, and KNOW you will get a perfect result every time!
Here's What Some Of Our Recent VIP Members Have To Say About Yum Paleo:
I tried the Yum Paleo chicken and lime fried rice recipe. NOM!Gina B., Christchurch, NZ
Totally loving paleo rice right now. I used paleo rice for me and regular rice for my partner, and mine actually tasted way better than his.
He actually had food envy for the paleo option. The paleo rice just picks up on the flavours in the dish more strongly. More flavour for less cals!
And it's not just our VIP members who are impressed...
Here's What Paleo And Weight-Loss Expert Dr. Eric Wood Has To Say About Yum Paleo:
Dr. Eric Wood, ND Associate Professor of Holistic Nutrition, Hawthorn University
The foundation of good health starts with the diet and Yum Paleo provides just that — recipes packed full of nutrition without the empty calories and carbs that so many typical modern recipes are full of.
But not only are they full of nutrition, they are also full of taste, with spices and nicely nuanced flavors to ensure you don’t miss out on any enjoyment and flavor!
For anyone looking to age well, support their overall health, have lots of choices on what to eat (from appetizers to desserts) and have great energy, you’ll want to turn here.
Plus, as is the case with many who adopt a Paleo lifestyle, you’re very apt to lose weight and get leaner by the day by eating the RIGHT WAY (not with boring ‘diet’ foods, but rather REAL food)!
Yum Paleo has put together a well-organized site full of video and Q&A support so that you’re guided every step of the way in making your recipes and in the cooking process.
It’s so easy just about anyone can do it… A win-win!
Thought going Paleo would be 'hard'
and 'time-consuming'?

No matter how busy and rushed off your feet you are (even if you are juggling a family, career and social life)…
With our simple, fast and easy-to-follow paleo recipes, you will be pleasantly surprised to find it is a breeze to start living the paleo way… without changing your lifestyle!
We will give you everything you need – right down to what you should have stocked in your pantry!
You will find that our recipes are totally easy and achievable for all, whether you consider yourself a ‘chef’ or an ‘amateur’ in the kitchen...
Each recipe has the ingredients and cooking instructions all clearly laid out for you (no matter which metric system you use), plus realistic prep and cook times added for your convenience…
So you can pick our recipes not just for taste and nutrition, but for ease and time-saving too!
"So, what does my Yum Paleo
VIP membership cost?"
We’ve worked hard to get you the best deal when it vcomes to boosting your health and getting in the best shape of your life with Paleo.
In fact, we’re basically having to keep our marketing guy under lock-and-key at the moment so he can’t go and push the price up!
So here it is… Right now, for an EXTREMELY limited time (as long as we can hold him hostage)…
You can secure your two-year membership to the Yum Paleo VIP member’s area for our extra special launch price…

Click Here To Secure Your 2 Year VIP
Membership To Yum Paleo For Just $47 TODAY!
I want to get instant access to 100+ EXCLUSIVE paleo VIP recipes… that I can start cooking tonight!
I understand that by saying YES, I'll get your opening special 2-year premium membership to the Yum paleo VIP member’s area, so I can start accessing exclusive paleo meal plans, video recipes, and weight-loss tips in my life immediately!
I also understand that because I am acting fast and I’m fully committed to optimizing my health and body with Paleo, if I order now, I will get my 2-year VIP membership to Yum paleo for…
just RRP

PLUS, not only are we guaranteeing that you will not have to pay any more than this one-time-only payment of RRP $888 $47 in your whole 2-Year VIP Membership (no matter how much it might go up in the meantime)…
We are ALSO guaranteeing that as a VIP member, you will get exclusive access to all of our new recipes and expert weight-loss advice that will be uploaded to your VIP member’s areas weekly…
So you will constantly be getting updated with fresh, exciting new Paleo recipes and news...
Meaning that after two years of being a VIP member, you will literally have HUNDREDS of exclusive paleo recipes at your fingertips!
And thirdly, we are actually GUARANTEEING your satisfaction with your Yum Paleo VIP membership, with our 60-day money-back guarantee!
Rest Assured That You Have A 100%
Money Back Guarantee … So You Are
COMPLETELY Covered, No Matter What

So this means that you can take a whopping 60 days to FULLY inspect, experiment, and play around with all of the delicious Paleo recipes, weight-loss tips, videos and proven fat-burning techniques you will find inside your VIP member’s area…
And if, over the sixty days, you don’t feel as though you have got at least FIFTY times the value of your investment today…
…In terms of the delicious food, amazing health benefits and stunning fat loss results you experience from using our Yum Paleo Member’s resources…
Or if you’re not 100% ecstatic for ANY other reason WHATSOEVER…
Then just send our customer support team a quick email and they will give you all your money back right away (and we will part as friends)…
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Member’s Area Right Now!”
Get Premium VIP Access To Yum Paleo TODAY!
And, to make your Yum Paleo VIP membership an even SWEETER deal for you…
If you sign up to become a VIP member today, we’re also going to throw in these incredible bonus gifts for you…
Limited-Time Only: Join Today And We’ll Give You These Amazing Bonus Gifts FREE!
Bonus #1:
The Scientific Fat Loss System
($230.99 retail value… yours FREE!)

Want to lose weight while eating delicious food and still having a life?
Scientific Fat Loss is a proven, medically recommended weight loss created by licensed physician and weight loss expert Dr. Eric Wood, ND.
It’s a modified paleo approach to fat loss, that takes the BEST aspects of paleo eating, and combines them with never-seen-before breakthrough dietary science, to enable stunning fat loss results…
…All by using the ’Hormonal Fat-Burning’ method to trigger the hormones inside your body to burn away stubborn fat, WITHOUT dieting, and WITHOUT grueling workouts...
Finally, this is a way to quickly burn away your stubborn fat and get the lean, sexy body you want… while still having a LIFE!
Bonus #2:
The 12 Week Paleo Transition Guide
(Valued at $47 alone, yours FREE!)

Want to make your transition to Paleo SUPER EASY, while giving your body the ultimate detoxing, fat-burning cleanse?
With this 12 Week Paleo Transition Guide, we give you everything you could possibly need in your Paleo journey…
Including week-by-week, day-by-day meal plans and shopping lists, so we are with you every step of the way and you always know EXACTLY what to do… making your transition to paleo easy-breezy!
PLUS, with this ultimate transition guide, you can wash away all the junk and garbage that your body’s been holding onto internally, and give your fat burning metabolism a MASSIVE kick in the butt…
See, if you are trying to lose weight, chemicals and sugars in processed foods (even the ‘healthy’ ones), can literally clog your liver and drag your weight-loss to a grinding halt… Even if you’re doing EVERYTHING else perfectly!
And this is why this detox has been scientifically designed to cleanse your body of fat-loss-stalling toxins and sugars, and prepare you for an EFFORTLESS transition to your new sexy body…
And, this isn’t some painful ‘juice cleanse’ detox or any of that garbage… This detox is actually FUN, EASY, and comes powered with an entire juicy bag of psychological weight-loss maximizing tricks…
(…So you can EMOTIONALLY-ARM yourself against the typical ‘weight loss sabotage’ that people without support often experience…)
And the best part of all of this? ALL of the foods in this detox plan (including the mouth-watering desserts), are specifically designed to powerfully increase your fat-burning metabolism…

So as you rid your body of harmful toxins and melt away pounds of FAT, you can still be enjoying bowls full of sweet, creamy dessert… How awesome is that??
Bonus #3:
Secrets of Eternal Youth Exclusive 1 Hour Video Recording With Dr. Eric Wood
($400 total value… yours FREE!)

Want to slow down aging? In this exclusive video recording with Dr. Eric Wood, ND, you’ll learn Dr. Eric’s top 3 anti-aging secrets…
Secrets which he usually ONLY shares with his clients in the anti-aging medical clinic where he works as the medical director, at a rate of up to $500 per hour…
But today, you can get the inside medical scoop on how to rewind signs of aging, heal your body from the inside out, and not only make yourself LOOK 10 years younger, but FEEL 10 years younger too…
And you get this exclusive footage + transcript for FREE if you act now…
Strip years from your face and body WITHOUT taking any weird ‘pills’ or ‘potions’… This is hardcore proven medical science that actually WORKS!
Bonus #4:
EXCLUSIVE Metabolic Boosting Secrets Video Collection
(A total value of $500, yours FREE!)

Do you want to boost your fat burning potential by up to 80%?
With this exclusive Metabolic Boosting Secrets video collection featuring paleo & fat-loss expert Dr. Eric Wood, ND…
You will get immediate access to Dr. Eric’s full collection of bite-sized fat-loss videos, where he will give you special tips and easy tools you can implement to QUICKLY boost your fat loss and achieve incredible results…
And having coached thousands of weight loss clients at his specialty clinic in Florida, Dr. Eric has seen firsthand what works and what doesn’t…
Meaning that these videos will give you a unique metabolic edge when it comes to your personal fat loss journey…
Because it’s like having a licensed weight-loss expert right there in the room with you, answering questions and fixing your problem areas one-on-one…
Simply watch these short medically-sound video clips, or read the transcripts that come with them, and use this incredible material to boost your fat loss by up to eighty percent… guaranteed!
Bonus #5:
The ‘Think Weight Away’ Weight-Loss Hypnosis Course
(Valued at $27 alone, yours FREE!)

Is a mental barrier holding you back from getting the body you want?
Use this comprehensive six-part self-hypnosis audio program to reprogram your mind to lose weight ‘unconsciously’ and without effort…
This is a UNIQUE formula that will literally skyrocket your success… How? Because it teaches you the 6 easy steps to literally making yourself psychologically ENJOY losing weight…
And the results you can achieve with this are so valuable that they are literally priceless…
With no more mental barriers holding you back, you can achieve INCREDIBLE weight-loss results!
Add it all up… And these incredible bonus gifts come to a total value of $1204.99… All Yours For FREE If You Join Today!
What You Get
Today 100% FREE With Your Yum Paleo VIP Membership
($1204.99 Value FREE!)
Get Your VIP Membership To Yum Paleo Today, PLUS ALL Of These FREE Gifts...
For An Incredible Limited-Time Only Discount!

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Get Your 2-Year VIP Membership For Just
RRP $888 $47 If You Join Today!
"But will Paleo really work for ME?"
There are two reasons why people give up on Paleo:
- Because they don’t have the SUPPORT they need to make the transition, AND…
- Because they don’t have the RESOURCES they need to make the transition.
The Yum Paleo VIP Membership is more than just access to an exclusive Paleo recipe site, it also gives you full membership to an online Paleo COMMUNITY…
Where you can gain up-to-date knowledge and useful tips about paleo living, hear about other members and their journeys, share comments and recommendations, AND get inside tips from weight-loss experts...
PLUS, we are with you every step of the way, making sure you have full access to new recipes that will be added weekly and access to all the support you need, making your transition to paleo a breeze…
And once you start to see and feel the results of going Paleo, we guarantee you will NEVER want to go back!
We at Yum Paleo Look After
What`s Most Important ... YOU!
We’re not just going to ‘leave you stranded’ when you become a Yum Paleo VIP member…
We actually want to keep in touch and hear what you think about our recipes, what you’d like to see more of, and how your Paleo journey is going!
See, at Yum Paleo, we always appreciate our VIP member’s feedback and take it very seriously…
So that we can continue to work on improving the site and our recipes to suit YOUR needs…
And this is why we give our VIP members the opportunity to rate our Paleo recipes, comment on them, and ask us questions…
So when you start using our Yum Paleo members area, don’t be shy… we would love to hear ANY feedback you have...
Especially any ways we can help to make your paleo journey even easier and more enjoyable!
“Yes! Upgrade Me To VIP Right Now!”

We can’t wait to help you out on your great paleo journey and hear about your amazing paleo cooking and weight loss success,
- P.S.
- Your Yum Paleo VIP Membership gives you INSTANT online access to our VIP Member’s area, so you can get started cooking our delicious paleo recipes and getting exclusive tips from weight loss experts right away! And remember, this devastatingly low price of just RRP $888 $47 for a full 2-year membership is not going to be around for long, so if you want to take advantage of this amazing offer, plus receive the extremely generous FIVE added bonus gifts, you need to Act Now!
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- If you don't become a Yum Paleo VIP member today, you may never make the transition to the ultimate lifestyle diet which is going to give you the lean, toned, sexy body you’ve always wished for… the glowing skin and the shiny hair… and most importantly… the incredible abundance of energy and LUST for LIFE you feel after living the paleo way. With Yum Paleo, you can quickly and easily become the healthiest you’ve ever been… while eating divine dishes all day long!
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- You have absolutely nothing to lose by becoming a VIP member of Yum Paleo, no matter what country you're in… as you are completely backed by our 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. So that means if for ANY reason you are not completely, 1000% satisfied with your Yum Paleo VIP membership, just send us an email within 60 days of your purchase and our customer support team will issue you a full refund – no questions asked!