Most people choose the Paleo lifestyle to lose weight and part of it is making sure that you’re eating a balanced diet and consuming the food your body really needs.
For instance, you have to make sure that you eat enough vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. These vegetables are virtually calorie-free so you can eat as much fresh produce as you want without having to worry about being overweight.
To those who have chosen to give Paleo a try but are not really fond of vegetables, we have lined up a list of how you can enhance the taste of vegetables so eating them won’t feel like a chore.
1. Season Your Vegetables
In order to make vegetables more interesting and fun to eat, you can try seasoning them with herbs. This ads lots of fresh flavor and other health-promoting benefits without the calories.
Make sure to use sodium-free spices. Most artificially blended seasoning in the market are high in salt so it’s important to read the label and choose sodium-free varieties.
2. Stir-Fry
If you are craving Asian-inspired recipes, try stir-frying your vegetables in chicken broth. This will give you a light savory flavor minus the excess calories that you don’t need.
3. Dip
You may also eat them raw with dip. You can check out our Paleo Mayonnaise recipe for a healthier and flavorful take on your usual dips.
4. Turn It Into Salsa
Salsa works great with fresh, raw vegetables. You can have a larger variety of produce in your salsa; tomatoes, onions, peppers, celery.
5. Puree Them Into Sauce
If you can’t stand the texture of vegetables, you can simply blend them. Carrots, peas, eggplants, squash, and the like can be made into a sauce.
This trick works especially for families with kids; you’ll get all the healthiness they have without even noticing it’s there.
6. Add Them To Soups
Toss some vegetables into a soup. The Sweet Potato and Capsicum Soup is a must-try!
7. Grill Your Veggies
Grilling vegetables is another great way to enhance the taste of your food. You can also marinate vegetables in balsamic vinegar before putting them into the grill.
Incorporating vegetables in your diet is one of the best things you can do to ensure good health.
However, this can be done tastefully and preparing them doesn’t have to be a challenge.
As long as you keep these smart strategies in mind, you’ll always have great-tasting meals that are healthy too!
Preparing vegetables tastefully doesn’t have to be a challenge as long as you’re creative enough. Use a mix of fresh produce so you won’t get bored with having fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Stick to the Paleo lifestyle and increase your intake of fresh produce and you’ll enjoy faster and more sustainable weight loss success.
By the way, if you need new ideas for wholesome Paleo recipes to add to your diet, check out our website ( and step into a larger world of fun, fresh and healthy eating!
Aside from our amazing free recipes, we also have premium recipes for our VIP members who enjoy access to other life-changing content.
This includes a 2-year membership that entitles you to hundreds of dollars’ worth of bonus books and videos such as the “Scientific Fat Loss System”, “The 12 Week Paleo Transition Guide” and “Secrets of Eternal Youth” by Dr. Eric Wood.
The best part is that all this costs less than what you’d typically spend on eating out at a restaurant!
Click HERE to find how you can easily shift to a healthier way of eating, starting TODAY!

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