Paleo Satay Chicken Curry
Mmm... packed full of vegetables and a delicious satay flavour, you can't go past this Paleo chicken curry!

Satay Sauce:
1 cup almond butter
1 orange
1 lime
1/2 cup water
Thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
1 teaspoon fish sauce
Remaining Curry Ingredients:
3 carrots, peeled and sliced
4 chicken breasts, diced
3 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
2 onions, peeled and diced
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 long red chilies, deseeded
2 dozen white button mushrooms, chopped
2 broccoli, chopped
1 red pepper, sliced into thin strips
Coconut oil
Satay Sauce:
1. Add almond butter, juice from 1 orange and 1 lime, ginger and fish sauce to a blender or large mixing bowl.
2. Blend ingredients together using the blender or the mixing bowl and hand blender.
3. Add 1/2 cup of water to the mix and blend again until smooth.
Satay Chicken Curry:
1. Preheat the frying pan to a medium heat with a dash of coconut oil.
2. Place the diced sweet potatoes in a microwave-safe bowl and cook in the microwave for 4 minutes, to soften.
3. Add onion and garlic to the frying pan, then add the chicken and give it all a toss around.
4. Take the sweet potato out of the microwave and drain the water from the bowl.
5. Once the chicken has browned, add the sweet potato and carrots to the frying pan. Mix well.
6. After that has cooked for a few minutes, add in the satay sauce, broccoli, chilies, pepper and mushrooms to the frying pan. Mix together.
7. Place the lid on the frying pan and cook for a further 8 minutes.
8. Serve and enjoy!