Health and Nutrition

5 Habits to Lose Weight

Aside from putting yourself on a strict diet or enrolling yourself in a gym or a class, there are a lot of helpful things you can do to aid your weight loss. If you want to maximize your potential, practice these 5 effective habits to help you keep the weight…

Tips for Paleo Neophytes

With anything new, we need that extra boost to get started. We need a little bit of direction, especially if it’s something that we’re not familiar with and has a structure of some sort. A diet is something that you need to be conscious about and sometimes it’s easier when…

How to Take Care of Yourself

Everybody’s busy these days. Whether it’s with their career, hobbies, or family, there’s always something that keeps them preoccupied. Society has been glorifying being busy for quite some time now. The less hours of sleep you get at night, the more hours you put in at work, the more activities…