Articles by Yum Paleo

How Sleep Affects Your Health

People who lack sleep get grumpy and less alert. Much of their ability to focus is lost and they gain weight. Studies show that people who deprived themselves of that much needed snooze tend to go for high calorie food items. They are the ones who usually make poor food…

How to Spot a Crash Diet

Most of those who want to lose weight find themselves falling into promises of a crash diet. This is because they are unaware of how to spot a crash diet. They restrict themselves from eating healthy and nutritious food that affects their overall wellness.

What is Paleo Diet?

The question most people ask themselves before they start with this diet is: What is Paleo Diet? If you are one of those who want to know what PALEO actually is and what it means to be on a Paleo diet then you’re in for a treat!

How to Start the Paleo Diet with Ease

Choosing to start on Paleo diet is one of the best things you can do for yourself. However, you should be aware of the ‘no-go’ ingredients that will greatly affect your transition. So here are some tips to help you make these changes with ease: